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Thankful for WHAT?!?

November 26, 2012

On the way home from the hospital after our very first visit, I was reading the “chemo book” out loud to Chris. It was a depressing read except for one line: “For more information, check out our video, “How the Bowel Works,” which I could barely speak out loud for giggling like a nine-year-old.

It became a byword. Whenever we needed to add some levity, one or the other of us would suggest picking up that video from the MD Anderson library and we would snicker.

Today, eight rounds of chemotherapy and seven surgeries later, I still giggle, but I also know that a functioning digestive system is a miracle not to be taken for granted. And I’m thankful, every single time I step into the bathroom.

Happy Thanksgiving. Be sure to eat plenty of fiber.

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  1. You are an inspiration. So is your sense of humor! ❤

  2. Julia permalink

    The last time I went to synagogue, our rabbi was talking about the various blessings devout Jews are supposed to say, including one after using the toilet, which goes like this:

    Praise to You, Adonai
    our God, Sovereign of the universe,
    who formed the human body with skill
    creating the body’s many pathways and openings.
    It is well known before Your throne of glory
    that if one of them be wrongly opened or closed,
    it would be impossible to endure and stand before You.
    Blessed are You, Adonai, who heals all flesh, working wondrously.

  3. abigail carlton permalink

    No, no, not surprised at all – a functioning body is a wonderful thing. Not just in itself, but in all it’s low potty-brained humor.

  4. Aunt Lee permalink

    And let’s here it for poops. Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!

  5. Aunt Lee permalink

    Here Hear potato potatoe tomatoe tomato

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